The Grand Slam of Darts
Everyone had an opinion of how the GSOD would move forward after the BDO exited the platform of darts and was not replaced by the WDF talent pool. But this tournament has proved that it has indeed been a great success and the entertainment has been scintillating.
The elite players have performed such as MVG, Humphries, Price, Cullen. Others have caught the attention of the darting world such as Josh Rock and Alan Soutar. Josh Rock hitting the magnificent 9 darter in his match against MVG!
Such great entertainment and talent on show. It's no wonder the game is at an all-time high and just continues to grow. Anyone and everyone can play darts and enjoy it. That's the beauty of the darts!
I'm sure everyone will agree. No matter who wins this tournament...........darts is clearly the winner here!
GW Darts team